Here's where we separate the skank from the swank. Check out our
probing reviews before you blow your dough.
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The low down on the ratings: Each category of the scoring boxes
is given "weight" - the higher the weight, the more
important the category.
Each category's score is multiplied by
the weight, totaled and then divided by 18, which is the total
of all the weight combined. The resulting number is then multiplied
by 10 to compute the final score of the game. Whew! the breakdown:
Graphics: Weighed by a factor of two.
Music and Sound FX: Weighed by a factor of one.
Innovation: Weighed by a factor of one.
Gameplay: Weighed by a factor of eight.
Replay Value: Weighed by a factor of six. Scoring:
100 % -Pure Adrenalin
90-99 % -Yummy
80-89 % -Excellent
70-79 % -Very Savory
60-69 % -Savory
50-59 % -Average
40-49 % -Mangled
30-39 % -Pungent
20-29 % -Repulsive
10-19 % -Whack Me
1-9 % -Shoot Me
0 % -Call the Cops